- Harrah's Resort
- Caesars
- Showboat
- Ballys
Jobs range from hourly part-time positions to salaried full-time positions.
If you are interested in seeing a list of all positions available, please see their career website: http://www.harrahsacjobs.com/ .
Jobs range from hourly part-time positions to salaried full-time positions.
If you are interested in seeing a list of all positions available, please see their career website: http://www.harrahsacjobs.com/ .
1. As I've helped clients over many years identify the qualities and skills desired in those being interviewed for positions in meetings departments and when we've interviewed people for those jobs, there are some things that stand out:
For those who have been in the industry even a short time, there are different questions and a different look:
2. There is never enough 101! I am heartsick that MPI has suspended (for this year they say) MPI's Institute program this year. There are virtually NO "101" programs being done at industry meetings (other than brief sessions at Affordable Meetings) or by industry organizations. As the "Queen of the Basics" along with sharing the crown w/ Vicky Betzig, we KNOW there are many who need to know the basics - and who need to brush up on the basics. The turnover in our industry is high and many people continue to enter this industry … including those who have graduated from a degree program but may not have received the anecdotal learning they also need.
We need to broaden how "101" is taught, providing more experiential learning. Years ago, when Dolce Conf. Centers had a great "101" 2 day program, and when PCMA did "The College of Meeting Knowledge" and before that, the "PCMA/Sheraton Showcases", and the early days of MPI's Institutes, and GWSAE and ASAE did similar programs, we DID experiential learning - hands-on site inspections, hands-on plating of food, presentations to show what was learned and to help people build confidence in their presentation skills.
3. The core knowledge base for our industry is more difficult to pin down. We, on the planner side, often miss the core knowledge of how our industry partners operate and thus think that we 'should' get more when we negotiate; most have so little knowledge about language let alone contract language that so many things are missed. Business partners (and MANY planners) are missing what we (you and I, Everett) know about adult learning and how room sets and the impact of where a meeting is held on outcomes. There is so much more. I've not even touched risk management issues or nutrition and food allergy issues and on and on.
Yes, I concur with Newt Gingrich that most of what I learned, was by 8th grade and my life experiences enhanced what I had as basic knowledge. Yet, my basic education by 8th grade also included reading and listening to news, discussing world events and so on. In today's world, the internet allows the 'haves' to gain knowledge so easily.
Few use it.
Application Process:
Please submit a curriculum vitae/resume with a cover letter outlining your interest in, salary requirements and qualifications for, this particular post to:
Human Resources Department
International Baccalaureate North America
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 240
New York, NY 10115
E-mail: ibnahr@ibo.org
Attend this session to:
From Classroom to Class Act: Making the Transition from Student to Meeting Professional
When: April 15, 2008
Time: 1 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Eastern
12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Central
11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Mountain
10 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Pacific
Cost: Complimentary
This PCMA Student Webinar is brought to you by the Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Greater Philadelphia Chapter of PCMA
Spring Events for the St. Christopher’s Hospital Ronald McDonald House
May 13
Guest Chef Dinner Program
Primary Objective of Position:
Support the GEP Philly team by providing assistance in the areas of sales, project development, operations and administration to gain a better understanding of what a Destination Management Company does.
- Assist sales department with marketing campaigns – addressing gifts to recipients, deliver gifts to hotels
- Assist sales team for site visits. Order vehicle, script out timeline and venue information
- Research companies/conventions for leads
- Help package and prepare Fed Ex proposals
- Help sales reps in hotels with projects
- Updating databases and maintain lists for holiday cards
- Re-stock give-away items
- Assist with PDF’ing word files for clients
Project Development:
- Assist in securing space and services for client proposals
- Research new products, venues, themes and ideas for proposals
- Data entry into ACT! & WebDMC systems for current vendors and clients
- Custom label CD’s for popular entertainment options we send to clients
- Assist in the creation of GEP presentations, including Award Submissions and Special proposals for clients
- Organize the internal tabs and information for the part time staff binders
- Assist Operations Managers with organizing part time staff uniforms, nametags, signage and binders prior to a program
- Updating Part time Staff Contact Information in Database
- Re-stock client gift items such as coffee mugs, gift cards, etc.
- Assist with reserving Part Time Staff for specific dates and times
- Running program related errands (picking up rental cell phones, uniforms at dry cleaners, printed materials, etc.)
- Assist with packaging and shipping of Client Thank you gifts
- Shadow Ops Manager on larger programs when necessary
- Ladies in the Biz—coordinate a meeting and location, negotiate specials, send out evite list, etc for one evening event
- Administrative duties including ordering office supplies, filing, copying, faxing, data entry, mailing and running errands.
- Organize part-time staff refresh meetings (organize, maintain RSVP list, get food, nametags)
- Help track vendor referrals
- Organize back closet; order shelves, hooks, etc to display
- Assist administration manager with issues with telephones, cell phones, fax machine, Xerox machine, computer problems, printers, email
If anyone is interested in applying for this position, please contact:
Tricia Kornutik
Finance & Administration Manager
GEP Philly
The Phoenix Building
1600 Arch Street ~ Suite 200
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: tkornutik@gepphilly.com
Administration Department
Internship would require 3 - 5 days per week and 15 - 40 hours per week. Weekend hours would only be necessary if the candidate is interested in working on an event that falls on the weekend. There is no payment for this internship program; however, additional income may be obtain from working on events for the company.
The office is located by the Jenkintown Train Station.
If interested please contact:
Robert Carachilo
Director of Operations
215.887.7880 (w)
Greater Philadelphia Chapter Phillies Game and Networking Event