The Meetings Coordinator reports to the Director, assists all Meetings Managers and provides back up support to the Administrative Assistant.
The Meetings Coordinator provides support facilitating arrangements for in-house meetings and events, Technical and Professional Training (TPT’s), independent meetings, committee weeks and departmental projects and activities. This position interacts with most departments within ASTM, committee meeting attendees and will conduct business arrangements with meetings related vendors.
Lead administrator for the Meetings Application: set up independent meeting notices in HTML and pre-registration data for ASTM website, run reports, and manage the registration for all meetings. This will require troubleshooting with our web administrator, I/T project manager and manage and track a list of enhancements. Meetings Coordinator must communicate all changes and updates to meetings staff, Technical Committee Operations (TCO) administrative assistants (AA’s), and other users.
Administrator for Meetings Equipment: Maintenance of equipment (LCD’s, teleconference phones, computers, printers, badge printers, credit card machines receipt printers etc.), replacing and upgrading inventory, distribution and resolution of conflicts pertaining to the inventory for in-house meetings, independent and committee week. The Meetings Coordinator will order/rent additional equipment as needed with outside vendors. This position will be responsible for testing equipment prior to committee week meetings and checking the condition when returned.
Responsibility for creating and maintaining Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for all independent and committee week meetings. This involves determining realistic room blocks, meeting space requirements, and special activities for each meeting. Committee meeting profiles to be managed and conflicts resolved with staff managers. The Meetings Coordinator will compile all pertinent information that hotels require to submit a legitimate proposal to host ASTM meetings.
Coordination of Independent Meetings to Include:
· Review RFP’s to see if critical information has been included and resolve items not addressed
· Prepare meeting contracts for manager’s signature
· Reviewing meeting schedules against space contracted and resolving conflicts with the hotel.
· Contract with hotel or vendor to order meetings related equipment and/or services, and make appropriate revisions to the original contract
· Review hotel BEO’s (Banquet Event Orders) and sign off on arrangements or bring to manager’s attention if there are financial issues that need resolution, or unusual committee requests.
· Follow up on all meetings – hotel bill, final pick up, final data entry into meetings application, and distribute statistics to meetings and staff managers with recommendations for any appropriate revisions to committee meeting profile or committee meeting RFP.
Coordination of Committee Week Meetings to Include:
· Review all submitted schedules against the committee meeting profile and bring any conflicts to meetings and staff manager’s attention.
· Review and proofread with meeting managers the charts, schedules, BEO’s, LCD schedule, A/V requirements, signage, welcome letters, receipts, meeting notices and all miscellaneous handouts and email blasts.
· Manage VIP reservations to make sure Board and Officers are housed in the main meeting hotel by reserving a special block of rooms for this purpose. Review lists of reservations from overflow hotels to determine if managers need to handle special requests.
· Work with hotel convention services to obtain room names, discuss changes and room pick ups and other meeting issues.
· Manage the shipment of meeting materials to hotel. This includes coordinating shipping deadline dates with staff, packing, working with shipping company, coordinating delivery with hotel, and responsibility for inventory of supplies. The Meetings Coordinator will also be responsible for coordinating the return shipment and restocking supplies.
· Occasional on-site meetings support and/or as an emergency back up to manager or traveling AA.
Coordination of In-House Meetings to Include:
· Posting the in-house schedule on lobby monitor
· Preparing the in-house schedule of meetings
· Prepare and post door signs
· Back-up the meetings manager on all in-house activities including assigning meeting space, working with building and grounds for special set-ups, order food functions and monitor the in-house meeting activities, arrange transportation, provide up to date general meeting handouts, handle all meeting room requests and maintain the appearance of the registration area.
· Work and network with local hotels and restaurants.
Assist Director in special projects
Back up the department’s administrative assistant.
Handle basic office duties such as typing, answering phone inquiries, tracking bills and payments, distribution of mail, send email blasts, web site updates, etc.
Good organizational skills, team spirit, cooperative attitude and flexibility are essential
Effective communication and rapport with staff, hotel and meeting vendors, and also committee members and meeting attendees
Acute awareness and follow-through of details and deadline dates
Accurate typing (40wpm) with knowledge of a word processing package and working knowledge to use a relational database is helpful
Skills to type in HTML, or the willingness to learn
This position requires a high school diploma and a couple of years of meetings related or general office experience is helpful.
If you are interested in more information and applying for this position, please send your resume and cover letter to:
Betty Schultz
Director of Meetings ASTM International
Phone: 610-832-9701
Fax: 610-832-9669
Email: bschultz@astm.org file://www.astm.org/
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